Legal Information

Company information icon

Company information

Izidocs Limited is a privately held company. It was incorporated in Cyprus on 29 October 1999 as Neodey Limited. On 20 March 2009 it changed its name to Telemobilo Limited and on 24 May 2016 to Izidocs Limited.

Registration number: 106012
Tax number: 12106012T
EU VAT number: CY10106012R

Trade names icon

Trade names

Izidocs, Telemobilo, Neodesy, Telemobili, Emotivate, PareaSMS are registered trade names of Izidocs Limited. Our trade names may not be used in connection with any product or service that is not ours, in any manner that is likely to cause confusion among customers or in any manner that disparages or discredits us.

All other trademarks and trade names not owned by us that appear on this site are the property of their respective owners, who may or may not be affiliated with, connected to, or sponsored by us.

Copyright icon


All content and compilation of content included on our website, such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips, video clips, digital downloads and software is the property of Izidocs Limited and is protected by international copyright laws.

Liability icon


Izidocs Limited makes every effort to ensure the accuracy and reliability of all information contained in this website. This website is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. Izidocs Limited is not liable for any damages whatsoever that may occur by using information contained in this website.